Taste of Palestine 2024

Tuesday 29th October – Friday 8th November
This will be an amazing 11-day trip with our friends at Zaytoun based in the kitchens, restaurants, and markets of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus and Nazareth, where you can begin to understand the issues around the kitchen table.

Taste of Palestine 2024
Tuesday 29th October – Friday 8th November

A Palestinian chef presents a meal of hummus, falafel and bread.

“...if you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat. The people who give you their food, give you their heart.” Cesar Chavez
  • Dates:
    Tuesday 29th October – Friday 8th November 2024

  • Price:
    £1,900 per person flights includd

  • Where:
    East Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Hebron, Nazareth and Galilee.

  • Accommodation:
    Staying in full and half-board hotels in Bethlehem, Nazareth and Sebastia (TBC).

  • Flights:

  • Trip leaders:
    Amos’ highly-experienced group leaders from Amos Trust and Zaytoun.

This trip is ideal for:

  • those who are new to Palestine/Israel or have visited many times before
  • those who want to understand more about the situation, and the politics surrounding it, by hearing and seeing first-hand
  • those who enjoy food and cooking and are interested in Palestinian Fair Trade.

* Prices will be based on two people sharing. Single rooms are available upon payment of a supplementary fee of £300.

Fresh herbs growing in Palestine.

The Trip

This will be an amazing 11-day trip with our friends at Zaytoun based in the kitchens, restaurants and markets of Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nablus and Nazareth, where you can begin to understand the issues around the kitchen table.

“You can disagree about the facts, but you can’t argue with my taste buds.” Taste of Palestine participant

With time picnicking by the Sea of Galilee, cooking with families, harvesting olives and standing in solidarity with the communities in the South Hebron Hills.

On this unique Amos trip to Palestine, you will:

  • eat your way around Jerusalem and visit some of Ottolenghi’s favourite eateries
  • cook with local communities in the refugee camps of Aida and Arroub
  • enjoy tea at Banksy’s Walled Off Hotel in Bethlehem
  • BBQ in Wiam’s garden by the Separation Wall
  • visit Hebron and the South Hebron Hills and eat with local communities there
  • meet date farmers in the Jordan Valley and hear about the pressure they are under
  • harvest olives with the Palestinian Fair Trade Association
  • travel north to Nazareth to enjoy the hospitality of the Liwan Cafe and picnic on the shores of Lake Galilee
  • find out more about day-to-day life in Palestine and the pressures people face.

If all of that doesn’t get your mouth watering, please watch our short Taste of Palestine film.

Please read the Essential Information for this trip before booking.

What you need to know

Our Palestine travel programme is a vital part of our Change The Record campaign, which promotes Palestinian rights. This trip will include time talking through some simple ways in which participants can respond to what they have experienced and we will provide opportunities for people to explore this further once they have returned home.

We closely monitor the rules and advice on international travel and seek to keep all those travelling with us abreast of any significant changes. The safety and well-being of all those involved in our travel programme are paramount to us. 

Offsetting Emissions

Amos Trust is very conscious of the environmental impact of flying. We believe that the importance of our travel programme in promoting Palestinian rights warrants these flights, and we seek to ensure that we make the best possible use of them.

We offset the carbon burnt on our trips through a tree-planting programme with our Nicaraguan partners CEPAD, and offer all participants the chance to do the same. A return flight from London Heathrow to Ben Guirion airport in Tel Aviv emits approximately 1.2 tonnes of CO2. We calculate the full carbon compensation cost for this journey to be £30.

Photography: © Amos Trust/Mark Kensett


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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