Rebuilding Hope 2024

Autumn 2024: TBC
Rebuilding Home, Rebuilding Hope... Amos Home Rebuild trips are an opportunity to bring hope to a Palestinian family and community by helping them to rebuild their demolished home.

Rebuilding Hope 2024
Autumn 2024: TBC

“The experience of everything and everyone around you sharpens your awareness of why you are there and what you can do to immerse yourself in other peoples struggles.”

Join us as we help rebuild a demolished Palestinian home.

  • Dates:
    Autumn 2024: TBC

  • Cost:
    £1,700 per person flights included. 
    Prices are based on two people sharing a twin or double room. Single rooms are available for a supplementary fee of £250. We will add this cost to your balance invoice if you choose a single room on your booking form.

  • Where:
    Bethlehem and Hebron

  • Fundraising
    We will ask all participants to raise £1,500 towards the costs of the projects undertaken.

  • Flying from:

    To be confirmed.

  • Trip leaders:
    Amos’ highly-experienced team and our partners Holy Land Trust and HIRN.

The Trip

Rebuilding Home, Rebuilding Hope... Amos Home Rebuild trips are an opportunity to bring hope to a Palestinian family and community by helping them to rebuild their demolished home.

The Israeli home demolition programme is one of the most brutal aspects of the Occupation, many commentators call it ‘family demolition’ and its widely condemned by the international community.

It will normally take years for a Palestinian family to build a home, as they gradually invest money they save (and borrow), in constructing it. When it is destroyed in a matter of minutes by the Israeli army, the impact is devastating and most have no hope of being able to rebuild again.

We will be working alongside a family and local builders to rebuild a home that has been destroyed. We will also seek to undertake a variety of other building activities, which, in the past, have included work on a school in a refugee camp, creating a vineyard and erecting an industrial-sized polytunnel/greenhouse.

Amos Home Rebuild trips are an opportunity to bring hope to a Palestinian family and community by helping them to rebuild their demolished home.

We expect the project on this trip to be a combination of activities and it is possible that the continuing escalation of home demolitions that we have witnessed over the last two years, may result in us focussing on a school or community building if our local partners feel the risk to a family is too great.

There is a very strong emotional impact of joining a rebuilding trip. We work closely with and befriend the family whose home we are rebuilding and while each of the homes we have rebuilt still stand, several are under threat and could be demolished with very little warning. We therefore ensure that there are lots of opportunities to stop and process what’s going on, discuss how it’s going and to check in with each other.

There will also be time off in Bethlehem and opportunities for people to take time away from the building sites to visit Hebron, East Jerusalem, Jericho or other places on the West Bank. We will also be talking through ways in which participants can respond when they return home and we will provide opportunities for you to explore this further once you arrive home.

There will also be time off in Bethlehem and opportunities for people to take time away from the building sites to visit Hebron, East Jerusalem, Jericho or other places on the West Bank.

We ask all those taking part to also to raise a further £1,500 for the rebuilding programme. Each year people report back to us how readily friends and family have been to respond and support them in this.

For us, not only are the funds raised essential (we could not do any building work without them), but also because it is the most effective means we have to spread the word about Israel’s home demolition programme and to get involved in practical responses to it. We will provide lots of advice and support in the best ways to raise these funds and we will put you in touch with other rebuilders who are also raising money.

A rebuilt Palestinian home that had once been destroyed by the Israeli army.

Rebuilding Home, Rebuilding Hope: A rebuilt Palestinian home that had once been destroyed by the Israeli army.
— — — — — — —

“Why go to Palestine with Amos Trust? Because you have to see for yourself to believe and start to understand.”

Please read the Essential Information for this trip before booking.

What you need to know

Our Palestine travel programme is a vital part of our Change The Record campaign, which promotes Palestinian rights. This trip will include time talking through some simple ways in which participants can respond to what they have experienced and we will provide opportunities for people to explore this further once they have returned home.

We closely monitor the rules and advice on international travel and seek to keep all those travelling with us abreast of any significant changes. The safety and well-being of all those involved in our travel programme are paramount to us.

Offsetting Emissions

Amos Trust is very conscious of the environmental impact of flying. We believe that the importance of our travel programme in promoting Palestinian rights warrants these flights, and we seek to ensure that we make the best possible use of them.

We offset the carbon burnt on our trips through a tree-planting programme with our Nicaraguan partners CEPAD, and offer all participants the chance to do the same. A return flight from London Heathrow to Ben Guirion airport in Tel Aviv emits approximately 1.2 tonnes of CO2. We calculate the full carbon compensation cost for this journey to be £30.

A group of home rebuilders standing on the roof of a rebuilt Palestinian home.

** The situation in the West Bank can be quite fluid and plans may need to change at the last minute.

Photography: © Amos Trust — James Jagger, Nick Welsh & Peter Woodall


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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