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Robert Cohen
James Jagger & Mark Kensett
30 Nov, 2021
“It was many years before I had the opportunity to meet and hear from Palestinians face to face. And it turned out to be decisive in pushing my thoughts and feelings forward.” Monday 29th November was the United Nations Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Our Chair of trustees, Robert Cohen, gave these reflections to mark the day during our Beautiful Resistance carol service tour in Leeds.
Ibrahim Abul-Essad
James Jagger, Mark Kensett and Madeleine McGivern
14 May, 2021
“Despite a signed agreement outlining the Palestinians right to live there, these residents of Sheikh Jarrah have recently received a number of eviction orders, so that their homes can be given over to Jewish Israeli citizens who claim historic ownership of the land.” Ibrahim Abul-Essad writes about Jerusalem’s ongoing catastrophe.
Joint Statement
Mark Kensett
14 May, 2021
“As we write, once again military attacks have escalated. At this critical moment, it is vital that all parties adhere to their binding duties under international humanitarian and human rights law. All attacks on civilians and civilian objects must cease immediately.” A joint statement to commemorate Nakba Day 2021
Chris Rose
Nick Welsh
03 Dec, 2020
Coronavirus first entered the main population in Gaza at the end of August and is now spreading rapidly. The official figures show that in the last two weeks the number of recorded cases in Gaza has tripled with 12,000 new cases and 62 fatalities. However this vastly under-estimates the actual numbers.
Robert Cohen
Mark Kensett
19 May, 2020
“If Donald Trump is re-elected President this November, then 2020 will become a defining year for Israel/Palestine. The ever-shrinking space for justice will take another mighty contraction as the consequences of Trump’s ‘Vision for Peace’ start to play out.” Amos trustee Robert Cohen writes.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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