Navigating Change: An Update on CEPAD Nicaragua

Read about our recent visit to Nicaragua to express our ongoing support for CEPAD in the light of Nicaragua’s political climate.

Navigating Change: An Update on CEPAD Nicaragua

Amos Trust Summer update 2024

Food aid, medical care, toilet blocks, community buildings and even more fundraising. Read our summer 2024 update.

Amos Trust Summer update 2024

Thriving Communities

“Farmers proudly brought some of the fruits and vegetables they had managed to produce this harvest, many of which they had not been able to farm before. One farmer from a community in the Boaco communities proudly showed off his crop of tomatoes, which was a first for him, in such a dry region where they are generally not easy to grow.” Katie Hagley writes about how communities in Teustepe, Nicaragua are beginning to thrive.

Thriving Communities

Nicaragua floods, November 2020

Nicaragua has recently been battered by two hurricanes in rapid succession. Hurricane Eta caused extensive damage along the Caribbean coast before inflicting far greater damage on Gautemala. Hurricane Iota hit the already-saturated land causing mudslides, flooding and extensive damage to central Nicaragua including the communities we support in Teustepe. We received this update from Olivia Lekel from our partner CEPAD.

Nicaragua floods, November 2020

Gilberto Aguirre (El Profe) — Presenté

“On 18th June we received the desperately sad news that our good friend, partner and inspiration Gilberto Aguirre (El Profe), had passed away. He had been rushed into hospital for emergency throat cancer surgery in the middle of May and unfortunately, complications arose after this.” Garth Hewitt writes of the life of Gilberto Aguirre from CEPAD in Nicaragua.

Gilberto Aguirre (El Profe) — Presenté


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
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