An Unbearable Sadness

“In Gaza we live a tragedy, desperately trying to survive. We try to live, grow up, work and travel, but we are in a prison. But we do not give up.” Fadi — Gaza City. Amos Director Chris Rose writes about the ‘privilege’ of being able to visit our friends in Gaza and why supporting our partner NECC is as important now as it ever was.

An Unbearable Sadness

Sami Awad — Advent 2019

Yes, we are living in darkness these days and it is not just in Palestine. It is everywhere. It is time for us to stop blaming the darkness for being too dark and start looking for the light that is fully present in each one of us and that light will shine only when we do what we are called to do.Sami Awad from Bethlehem shares his thoughts at Advent.

Sami Awad — Advent 2019

Black Friday

“The news, the TV adverts, the incessant ‘sponsored FB ads’ are flooding our screens on an hourly basis, helpfully reminding us of all the things we are lacking in our lives and how cheaply we can obtain them to reach that much anticipated state of nirvana!” Sarah Baron writes about why Black Friday might be a bad idea and suggests a few alternatives.

Black Friday

It Says Palestine — Remembrance Day 2019

“The taxi pulls up outside the locked black iron gates of the British and Commonwealth War Cemetery on Saladin Street. We call the number listed for press wishing to visit, and look down an avenue of trees that lead to a monument on which is written the regiments buried here and the campaigns they took part in. Later the young people who showed us around will point to it and say: “See it says Palestine on it — this was Palestine.” Chris Rose writes about visiting the British and Commonwealth War Cemetery in Gaza.

It Says Palestine — Remembrance Day 2019

Palestine: one pedal stroke at a time

“When you combine a love of cycling with a sense of adventure and an appetite for human rights, you’ve got a recipe for an unforgettably unique experience that truly gets under your skin, and may just change you a little forever.” Jacqueline Waggett shares her experience of cycling through the West Bank.

Palestine: one pedal stroke at a time


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