“That’s My Home, Just Like A Dream.”

“The home is rebuilt, the family is in, the volunteers are safely home and our fifth rebuilding project in Palestine is complete.” Nive Hall tells the story of Amos Trust’s fifth home rebuild in Palestine.

“That’s My Home,  Just Like A Dream.”

Journey to Civil Disobedience

“Last Monday I was arrested sitting on the north side of Lambeth Bridge, on the first day of the Extinction Rebellion climate protests in London. After the first week of the protest, I am one of around 1300 people arrested. The following is my account of what has led me to this point.” Amos trustee Richard Elliott shares his experience of being arrested as part of the Extinction Rebellion climate protests in London.

Journey to Civil Disobedience

Palestine: one pedal stroke at a time

“When you combine a love of cycling with a sense of adventure and an appetite for human rights, you’ve got a recipe for an unforgettably unique experience that truly gets under your skin, and may just change you a little forever.” Jacqueline Waggett shares her experience of cycling through the West Bank.

Palestine: one pedal stroke at a time

On Her Terms October 2019

Our October On Her Terms update features news from our partner Umthombo in South Africa and their work on the streets with girls and young women in Durban, details of how you can join Amos Trust in Tanzania next summer and how you can do something tasty in October by hosting a Diwali Dinner to raise money for Karunalaya’s work in Chennai, India. On Her Terms lead, Karin Joseph writes.

On Her Terms October 2019

Am I Next?

“The sense of outrage has now reached fever-pitch levels in South Africa. But it is nothing new for Umthombo’s staff as they continue to reach out and journey alongside the young women and girls on the streets of Durban.” On Her Terms lead, Karin Joseph, writes about the tragic increase in gender-based violence in South Africa.

Am I Next?


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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