My Voice, Our Equal Future

On Thursday 8th October, girls from India and South Africa met online to share their demands with each other; it was a chaotic but fantastic time connecting up girls and young women thousands of miles apart but with many common experiences. They also heard demands drafted by girls in Burundi.

My Voice, Our Equal Future:
Girls’ Demands ahead of International Day of the Girl 2020

In the last couple of weeks, girls in South Africa, Burundi and India have met in groups to develop their demands for change ahead of International Day of the Girl 2020 on Sunday 11th October.

On Thursday 8th October, girls from India and South Africa met online to share their demands with each other; it was a chaotic but fantastic time connecting up girls and young women thousands of miles apart but with many common experiences. They also heard demands drafted by girls in Burundi.

Below are their demands. Please remember them on International Day of the Girl this Sunday.

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We, girls from South Africa, Burundi, and India, make the following demands together for our rights, and the rights of girls and young women across the world, this year on International Day of the Girl. We demand that our governments hear us.

Demands from girls at Umthombo, South Africa:

A young women from Umthombo, South Africa

  • We demand a justice system that does not tolerate gender based violence
  • We demand media campaigns, 365 days per year, that elevate the issues affecting girls and young women
  • We demand an education system that allows freedom to explore their various skills and talents
  • We demand a culture change so that boys and men do not perpetuate violence against women and girls
  • We demand full acknowledgement and respect of women in positions of power

Demands from girls at New Generation, Burundi:

A young women from New Genration, Burundi.

  • We demand an end to rape and abuse of women and girls
  • We demand change to the injustice of girls who become pregnant having to stop their education, whilst boys can continue
  • We must all care for our environment, in Burundi and across the world

Demands from girls at Karunalaya, India:

A young women from Karunalaya, India

  • We demand women must be protected
  • We have to create gender equality between boys and girls
  • We have to abolish girl child marriage
  • We have to destroy bonded child labour for girls
  • We have to increase the police’s protection of women and girls, especially at night time

With huge thanks to Karunalaya in India, Umthombo in South Africa and New Generation in Burundi.

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Entrepreneurship in Burundi

Sonia is part of the first ever cohort of young women taking part in New Generation Burundi's transformational Entrepreneurship Programme. Girls and young women receive support, training and a small loan towards setting up a business of their choosing. This is Sonia's story.

With thanks to Nick Turner at Watering Can Media.



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