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The Amos Team
Mark Kensett and Alex Whitehead
09 Jan, 2025
The Amos Staff Team
Mark Kensett & Kit Gunasekera
06 Jan, 2023
2022 was the year we started travelling again properly, the year we cycled for Palestine and exhibited art from Gaza in Bethlehem and Boughton. Join us as we look back at 2022.
The Amos Staff Team
Mark Kensett and Rebekah McKay-Smith
13 Jan, 2022
It was the year of semi-lockdown’s and no travelling, of virtual fundraising and rebuilding Palestinian homes but not leaving the UK. As we look ahead to 2022, we’re also going to look back at a year of more creative fundraising and appeals, of webinars and COP26, of running and cycling. This is the Amos staff team’s review of 2021.
The Amos Staff Team
Mark Kensett, Rebekah McKay-Smith and Nick Welsh
11 Jan, 2021
It was the year of lockdown, of finding new ways to engage, to tell stories and to fundraise. As we look ahead to 2021, we’re going to first look back at the year we’ve just left behind — a year of creative fundraising and emergency appeals, of presenting webinars and publishing books, of cementing old friendships and fostering new ones. This is the Amos staff team’s review of 2020.
The Amos Staff Team
Jess Foster, Clive Horsman, Mark Kensett, Nick Welsh & friends
17 Jan, 2020
It’s that time of year to look back at what was, as we look forward to what will be. Here are the Amos staff team’s top picks of 2019; from workshops in Tanzania to marathons in Bethlehem, from cricket finals at Lord’s to home rebuilds in Palestine, from cycle rides in the West Bank to fundraising dinners in London — these are our highlights.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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