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Chris Rose
Chris Rose
11 Nov, 2019
“The taxi pulls up outside the locked black iron gates of the British and Commonwealth War Cemetery on Saladin Street. We call the number listed for press wishing to visit, and look down an avenue of trees that lead to a monument on which is written the regiments buried here and the campaigns they took part in. Later the young people who showed us around will point to it and say: “See it says Palestine on it — this was Palestine.” Chris Rose writes about visiting the British and Commonwealth War Cemetery in Gaza.
Chris Rose
Nick Welsh
25 Mar, 2019
For the next 18 months, our Palestine campaign will be ‘Ahlan Gaza’. It will follow the simple stories of people living in Gaza, people trying to live with dignity as their options close in on them each year.
Sarah Baron
Mark Kensett
28 Nov, 2018
“I’ve been guilty over the last few months of shirking my responsibilities towards a cause that is very close to my heart. On the eve of International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, I’ve decided to renew my commitment to this cause, to seeking justice and equal rights for everyone who calls the Holy Land home.” Sarah Baron writes about how we can reinvigorate our support for Palestine.
Sarah Baron
Sarah Baron, Mark Kensett & Nick Welsh
19 Nov, 2018
United Nations Universal Children’s Day has been celebrated on 20th November each year, since 1954. So, 20th November seems as good a day as any to raise awareness of how Palestinian children, under Israeli Occupation, are being denied their basic rights and, effectively, having their childhoods stolen from them by the Occupation and the policies surrounding it. Sarah Baron writes.
Gill Hewitt
Mark Kensett
16 Nov, 2018
Nive Hall
Orthopaedic surgeon and Gaza Freedom Flotilla participant — the inspirational Dr Swee Ang joined us at Amos Day back in September. Swee was the first female orthopaedic consultant appointed to the St Bartholomew and the Royal London Hospitals and is a co-founder of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP). Gill Hewitt spoke to her.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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