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Martin Clark
Chris Rose
24 Jul, 2018
“The road climbs and the heat builds. Nothing in my daily commute in flat old Cambridge has prepared me for thousand-foot climbs and 41 degrees.” Amos friend and cyclist Martin Clark writes about the first protest ride in Palestine.
Palestine, West Bank, Gaza, Gaza Strip, Amos Palestine, Kairos, Nakba, Catastrophe
Chris Rose
14 May, 2018
“We act not because we are hopeful, but because it is the right thing to do. We act because we have been inspired by our Palestinian friends and because of all that we have learnt from them.” Amos Director Chris Rose writes about the 70th anniversary of the Palestinian Nakba — or ‘catastrophe’.
Gaza, Gaza Strip, Palestine, Change The Record, Justice and Hope, Theatre, Art
Ahmed Masoud
Ho-Chih Lin & Matthew Leake
02 May, 2018
A play by Ahmed Masoud
Loosely based on a real-life character still living in Gaza, 'The Shroud Maker' is a dark new satire, telling one woman’s story of survival.
Palestine, West Bank, Features, Justice and Hope, Change The Record, Israel, BDS, Boycott Divestment & Sanctions, Cultural Boycott
Chris Rose
12 Jan, 2018
Nick Welsh
“For us, it has always been very straightforward, if a government refuses to acknowledge international law and to deny basic human rights, then we have to pursue the non-violent means available to us – to challenge this situation. BDS reflects one of these tools.” Amos Director Chris Rose writes about the call to support Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions against Israel.
Palestine, West Bank, Features, Justice and Hope, Change The Record, Israel, Palestine Marathon, Run The Wall
Tara Wigley
Nick Welsh
10 Jan, 2018
Tara Wigley tells the story of her first-time marathon — in Palestine. “I thought we were going on the culinary tour,” my husband said, about a week before we were due to go to Palestine with Amos Trust.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.
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