Gaza Emergency Appeal Update March 2024

“We are amazed by the support we are still receiving and people’s incredible generosity. We are committed to sending more funds to Gaza and the West Bank in the coming weeks.” Chris Rose writes about Amos’ emergency appeal for Gaza.

Gaza Emergency Appeal Update March 2024

A Jewish reflection on Palestinian solidarity

“It was many years before I had the opportunity to meet and hear from Palestinians face to face. And it turned out to be decisive in pushing my thoughts and feelings forward.” Monday 29th November was the United Nations Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian people. Our Chair of trustees, Robert Cohen, gave these reflections to mark the day during our Beautiful Resistance carol service tour in Leeds. 

A Jewish reflection on Palestinian solidarity

Call For Action: Hold the Jewish National Fund accountable

Amos Trust has recently endorsed this campaign from Stop the Wall about the Jewish National Fund and how it disguises itself as a hero of the environment and why we need to hold it accountable. Amos Director Chris Rose writes.

Call For Action: Hold the Jewish National Fund accountable

Heartbreaking News

“Obaida Akram Abdurahman Jawabra was a Palestinian teenager from al-Arroub refugee camp near Hebron. Yesterday, Israeli forces shot and killed Obaida with a bullet to the heart. He was 17 years old. We are heartbroken.” Ayed Abu Eqtaish writes about some heartbreaking news from al-Arroub refugee camp in the West Bank.

Heartbreaking News


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

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