It was the year of lockdown, of finding new ways to engage, to tell stories and to fundraise. As we look ahead to 2021, we’re going to first look back at the year we’ve just left behind — a year of creative fundraising and emergency appeals, of presenting webinars and publishing books, of cementing old friendships and fostering new ones. This is the Amos staff team’s review of 2020.
The Amos Staff Team
Mark Kensett, Rebekah McKay-Smith and Nick Welsh
Katie Hagley
Community Engagement and Fundraising

El Profe: Gilberto Aguirre from CEPAD in Nicaragua with Katie Hagley from Amos Trust — March 2020
- Nicaragua
Sneaking in a trip to Nicaragua with some of our fabulous supporters just before the world changed and we went into full lockdown was a real highlight for me. Some of us were seasoned visitors and supporters of CEPAD whilst others came fresh to our work in Nicaragua.
The trip was a wonderful opportunity to see the progress made by the seven communities we have supported in the last five years and to meet with old friends and have the chance to visit one of the new communities we will support moving forwards. A time of warmth both in temperature and welcome. Bitter sweet now in the knowledge that it was the last opportunity we had to spend time with our friend Gilberto Aguirre, El Profe.
Just Walk Again
The amazing response of Amos supporters to Just Walk Again. It was wonderful to see the photos coming flooding in of people walking wherever they could, be it 5 miles or 500, in solidarity with Palestinians. Solvitur ambulando indeed.
- Partners and supporters
Connecting with our partners and supporters and bringing the two together by webinar and having the chance to hear so much interesting content has been a real treat. This felt like such a positive way of responding to such a negative situation.
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Karin Joseph
On Her Terms, Lead

On Her Terms: Amos Trust's Karin Joseph speaking at Amos Day in London — September 2018
- Generosity
Due to our supporters’ incredible generosity to our emergency Coronavirus appeal back in the spring, we were able to respond rapidly to our partners who were dealing with the urgent needs of those trying to survive lockdowns on the street.
- Amos@
Learning a lot from partners and friends all over the world in our Amos@ webinars and hearing how the webinars have been appreciated by Amos supporters as a way of staying connected.
- Joyful chaos
Bringing together girls from South Africa and India on Zoom ahead of International Day of the Girl back in October, and the joyful chaos and meaningful connection that ensued, was a really memorable moment. I’m looking forward to more of those in 2021.
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Jill Howard-Gunasekera

Rallying around: Amos Trust Administrator Jill Howard-Gunasekera
- Seeds of Hope
I really enjoyed our daily online content and being involved in our new book — Seeds of Hope.
And being able to join Garth’s retirement from Amos ‘do’, reflecting on the wonderful journey of his own 'seed of hope’ planted back in 1985!
- Christmassy
Although it was a bit of a challenge, I enjoyed running the Amos Gift Shop from home during December. It was nice to be surrounded by the fragrant smell of the beeswax candles from Bethlehem. It felt very Christmassy to be packing and posting!
- Rallying around
Seeing how Amos supporters have rallied during this year and what a fantastic response there has been to our appeals and webinars and how they have been a great way of keeping in touch with our partners.
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Nive Hall

Solidarity: Amos Operations Manager Nive Hall
- Solidarity
The overwhelming generosity and solidarity we received from our supporters last year was humbling. Whether through direct financial support for our appeals against a background of uncertainty and economic stress or the support for the online programme of activities we were able to put together.
- Our partners
Seeing the selfless and sacrificial work of our partner organisations in their local covid situations was truly incredible and inspiring. We are standing alongside giants.
- Support
On a very personal level, I greatly appreciated the depth of support I received from my colleagues, the trustees and many Amos friends when my Dad died. It meant an incredible amount. Thank you.
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Chris Rose

Continued support: Amos Trust Director Chris Rose
- Just Walk Again
Amos supporters walked over 10,000 miles — that’s to Jerusalem and back, twice, or all the way to New Zealand. We had people walking all over the world in solidarity with Palestine and saying no to the annexation of the West Bank.
- Seeds of Hope
Massive Attack, Raja Shehadeh, Sami Tamimi, Zena Kazeme, Ahmed Masoud, Justin Butcher etc — so many of my favourite people have either worked alongside us or given us permission to use their work this year. I hope that we have done them all justice.
- Continued support
Our supporters, old and new. Thank you for your incredible support and encouragement last year. We have no words to express our gratitude.
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Nick Welsh
Digital, Design and Comms.

From Nicaragua With Love: Gilberto Aguirre from CEPAD in Nicaragua with Amos Trust’s Nick Welsh —February 2020
- Nicaragua
I visited Nicaragua for the first time in February/March 2020 having heard so much about it from other members of the team. Around 20 Amos supporters joined us from all over the UK to visit the communities we work alongside in the Teustepe region.
It was a wonderful experience; meeting the old and new communities and getting to know everyone from our partner CEPAD a little more, as well as filming and taking lots of photographs for all our upcoming projects. You can watch the first film we made here.
- Seeds of Hope book
Being a graphic artist at heart, I was pleased to be able to begin work on our second volume of creative writing and poetry back in October. We published ‘Seeds of Hope: More Thoughts and Reflections from Amos Trust’ in time for Christmas and it seems to have been very well received. I was delighted when Brian Eno wrote a short plug for the front cover. Thank you to everyone who bought a copy — there are plenty still available!
- Protection — Gaza
Back in September we decided to make a film using some of our Gaza film footage alongside our friend Beth Rowley singing Massive Attack’s ‘Protection’. Working with Beth and our film editor Mark, we produced a short fundraising film which helped us raise vital funds for our partners in Palestine as part of our Christmas appeal.
It was a very good day when I received an email from the band giving us permission to use their song.
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Garth Hewitt

The Troubadour: Singer/songwriter and Amos Trust Founder, Garth Hewitt
- UN Declaration of Human Rights anniversary
One particular highlight for me was the Zoom concert hosted in Fort Wayne, Indiana, an event for the anniversary of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights. I hadn’t realised how many different human rights groups would be involved and how many groups would be focussing on the Middle East. It was a real encouragement to see this level of commitment — this was a very encouraging side of America. They were real friends and allies.
- The Emanuel Church Sessions
Another was the enjoyment of recording videos of songs during different stages of lockdown — I call them the Emmanuel Church Sessions. Thanks to Paul Abraham, the Pastor who let us use his church building, and to Dave Perry, part videographer and part guitarist. Thanks also to Isobel for all the work putting the videos together; I had no idea to what extent we would need to use these this year — particularly as we came closer to Advent and Christmas when there were a whole host of events.
- Come To Bethlehem
It’s been great being able to accept invitations that I wouldn’t have been able to accept if they were not online — like supporting Rev Raj Patta up in Stockport for his ‘Come To Bethlehem’ meeting. I was so glad to be part of that — I would not have been able to pop up to Stockport for it, but was very pleased to join in on Zoom.
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Isobel Webster
PA to the Founder

Award-winning: Isobel Webster in Palestine with her partner Bryan and Amos friend Marwan Fararjeh
- Video library
One of my goals for years has been to produce a ‘library’ of Garth song videos, and this year it became a priority as the answer to “why should we put time into this?” suddenly became obvious! We now have about twenty songs in the library which are being asked for fairly constantly, and we will keep adding more.
- Wikipedia
Getting Garth onto Wikipedia! I’d been wanting to achieve this for ten years, not to mention other people kept telling me he should be there. It was no simple thing!!!
- Online development
Developing my personal skills in trying to keep up with new ways of doing Garth’s concerts meant I have been able to help others as they have also had to cope with doing things online and by video.
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To stay in touch with all campaigns and projects throughout 2021, please sign up to receive Amos Trust’s E-news which will keep you updated about our work in Palestine, our On Her Terms campaign for girls and young women on the streets and our Climate Justice work in Nicaragua.