Building grassroots resilience

Hebron International Resource Network (HIRN) offers responsive and targeted support to some of the most threatened and marginalised Palestinian communities and individuals. HIRN brings compassion, practical help, and encouragement needed to remain and grow in the face of aggression, intimidation, and dispossession.

Hebron International Resource Network (HIRN) offers support to Palestinian communities and individuals on the basis of need and tries to remove obstacles that prevent them from enjoying their basic human rights.

HIRN is small and agile by design and is able to respond quickly when help is needed. They manage several grassroots humanitarian and development projects at any one time, mostly in support of Palestinians living in areas where the Israeli Occupation and settlement projects are most visible and aggressive.

There are too many interventions to list here but recent projects have included:

In Area ‘C’ of the West Bank, HIRN provides:

  • seeds, tools and infrastructure to farmers threatened by settlements and settler violence
  • a range of support for highly vulnerable small communities in the South Hebron Hills
  • emergency shelter to families whose homes have been demolished
  • educational support in the form of buildings and materials, particularly to support the ability of girls to remain in education
  • transport solutions and the provision of sporting equipment
  • emergency medical treatment for victims of Occupation violence
  • the development and support of an autism centre in the city of Yatta. 

In Hebron City: 

  • numerous interventions to support the families in and around Al Shuhada Street whose lives are affected daily by the presence of settlers and soldiers 
  • ongoing support for the Al Shuhada Street kindergarten.

In all of these projects, HIRN seeks to respect the dignity of the people and communities it partners with and to empower and encourage the amazing resilience that is already present.

Amos Trust’s partnership with HIRN has grown alongside our friendship and the administrative support we have provided to UK Friends of HIRN (UKFOH). Their incredible fundraising and advocacy have enabled the above projects to be delivered.

Amos has also had the opportunity to get to know HIRN on the ground in Palestine, to see the work, to meet the people and to partner in some small initiatives of our own.

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Amos Trust
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