S4, E2: Pandora’s Pandemic Box

S4, E2: Pandora’s Pandemic Box

Pandora’s Pandemic Box
Thursday 15th April 2021
With Paul Sunder Singh from Amos partner Karunalaya in Chennai (above) in conversation with Dr Elizabeth Joy from CTE and Amos’ On Her Terms Lead, Karin Joseph.

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Paul Sunder Singh from our partner Karunalaya updated us on the situation, particularly in Chennai and Tamil Nadu, where hospital admissions have already reached levels not seen since the first outbreak when Karunalaya had to provide essential food support to the local pavement-dwelling communities as their needs were not recognised by central and local government.

We were also joined by good friend of Amos, Dr Elizabeth Joy. Elizabeth is the former Executive Secretary for Mission Education at the Council for World Mission and board member of Churches Together in England (CTE). 

Her family are from Tamil Nadu, although she was brought up in Bangalore, and she joined Paul to talk about some of the other difficulties currently facing India, including the political and social changes instigated by the Modi government and the ever-worsening impact of climate change.

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