“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” ― Arundhati Roy
Hello, and welcome to Amos Trust
Thank you for listening to our We Do Hope podcast and for clicking through to our website.
Below you’ll find quick links to the three main areas of our work — take a look around and contact us if you have any questions. You can also find us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
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Amos Trust is a small, creative human rights organisation committed to challenging injustice, building hope and creating positive change. We currently work in three main areas:
Street Justice

Meeting children and young people on the streets, recognising the trauma they experience, working with their families, challenging negative perceptions and advocating for their rights. Find out more.
Palestine Justice

Working with local and international peace activists, and partnering with grass-roots projects, to call for a just peace, reconciliation and full equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis. Find out more.
Climate Justice

Climate change is a justice issue. Those who have the least political and economic power, and the least responsibility for the changing climate, are affected the most. Find out more.