Save Sheikh Jarrah

“In Europe, if you mention the word apartheid in South Africa almost everyone expresses their disagreement with it and how much they have been against it. If you mention Black Lives Matter in the UK, almost everyone is supportive of the civil right movement. But when it comes to us Palestinians, there’s only silence.” Ahmed Masoud writes about the current situation in East Jerusalem.

In Europe, if you mention the word apartheid in South Africa, almost everyone expresses their disagreement with it and how much they have been against it.

If you mention Black Lives Matter in the UK, almost everyone is supportive of the civil right movement. But when it comes to us Palestinians, there’s only silence.

The only support we got from the world is the creation of a phantom Vichy-like government in the form of the Palestinian Authority whose sole purpose is to protect Israel under the disguise of a two-state solution which was born dead. Those political parties now in Palestine are no more than a tool that Israel uses to advance their agenda of besieging Gaza and annexing the West Bank.

So whats the solution? Apart from Facebook posts and a few demonstrations here and there? The honest answer is that I dont really know and I cant see one in the horizon. Maybe in 20 or 30 years we could be talking about a one-state solution, when the occupier finally realises that the people are not going anywhere.

If you mention Black Lives Matter in the UK, almost everyone is supportive of the civil right movement. But when it comes to us Palestinians, there’s only silence.

But for now, just stick with us Palestinians. Hear our voice and our stories. Tell your friends about what is happening, dig deep into the history (actually you dont have to go that deep, Israel is less than 73 years old), connect to Palestinians on the ground, try their food and their music and most importantly dont be shy to talk about us Palestinians in public.

Because, like it or not, we are here to stay and we are not going anywhere. And soon, you will regret not being on the right path of history just as many do with South Africa.


Ahmed Masoud


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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