At Amos Trust, we rely on donations from people like you to support all our partners and their projects. We don’t receive any government funding in the UK or in the countries where we work.

Below are some other ways that you can give.

Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving (also known as Give As You Earn), is a tax efficient way for UK Income Tax payers to donate to their chosen charities. Donations are deducted before tax so each £1.00 you give will only cost you 80p, and if you’re a higher rate tax payer, it will only cost you 60p.

If this is something you’re interested in doing, please speak to your employer. In the meantime, we’ve uncovered 7 things you might not know about giving to your favourite charities this way and how CAF Give As You Earn can be tax-efficient.

Download the Give As You Earn Donor Instruction Form

Charity of the Year
If your workplace, school or community group has a charity of the year, please consider nominating us. We will give full support throughout.

Launch a Personal Fundraising Campaign
Want to get your friends and colleagues fired up about Amos? Launch a Personal Fundraising campaign and get fundraising! You can download our free fundraising pack or email us for help and ideas.

Ask about Matched Funds
If you are collecting sponsorship, your company might match your fundraising. Many employers double, or even triple charitable donations. Some companies also match gifts made by retirees and/or spouses.

Please support us

There are many different ways to get involved with Amos Trust.

amos trust works all around the world

We work alongside grass-roots partners in Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Burundi, India and Tanzania.

Street Justice

Reaching children on the streets, addressing their trauma, working with them and their families to reintegrate them into their homes, to realise their rights and recover their future.

Palestine Justice

Working with local and international peace activists, and partnering with grass-roots projects, to call for a just peace, reconciliation and full equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis.

Climate Justice

Addressing the impact of climate change and the causes of extreme poverty, building sustainable rural communities and empowering them to realise their rights.

Amos Travel

Bringing people together to meet our partners from around the world, visiting the communities they work in and seeing their projects in action — building solidarity and lasting friendships.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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