Solidarity Reflection

A ‘Solidarity’ reflection with words from Warsan Shire and Michael Leunig.

Solidarity Reflection

Solidarity Reflection
From our book, Seeds Of Hope

I held an atlas in my lap
ran my finger across the whole world
and whispered
where does it hurt?

It said

We believe in a God whose love is so vast
that no words, no deeds, no threats
not even death can contain it

Resurrect that which has been silenced in us
Resurrect that which seems long dead

We believe in a God who bursts into life
Who brings hope where there is despair
Life where shadows rule
Who prises open death’s locked, fast fist
And with an open hand welcomes us home

Resurrect that which has been silenced in us
Resurrect that which seems long dead

We believe in a God
Who calls us to hunger and thirst for justice
To be peacemakers, to be healers
To speak truth to power
To bring reconciliation to broken relationships
And to the troubled places of our world

Resurrect that which has been silenced in us
Resurrect that which seems long dead

We believe in a God who brings light
To the darkest places
Who brings sight to the blind
And night to those who claim to see
Who illuminates our sin and greed
And shows us what we might yet be
Who shows us the path that leads us
From a midnight of despair to a daybreak of joy God help us to change

To change ourselves and to change our world
To know the need for it
To deal with the pain of it
To feel the joy of it
To undertake the journey without understanding the destination
The art of gentle revolution
— — — — — — —

Our thanks to:
Warsan Shire and Michael Leunig.

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