Protest Reflection

A short ‘Protest’ reflection with words from Maya Angelou, Martin Wroe, Jon Birch, Jonny Baker and Garth Hewitt.

Protest Reflection

Protest Reflection
From our book, Seeds Of Hope

Jesus walked into the temple
He trashed the tables of the money lenders
“This should be a house of prayer
You’ve made it into a den of robbers”
If you’re not angry, you’re either a stone
or you’re too sick to be angry
You should be angry
But you must not be bitter
Bitterness is like cancer
It eats upon the host
It doesn’t do anything to the object of its displeasure
So use that anger

We will write it
We will paint it
We will dance it
We will sing it
We will march it
We will vote it
We will talk it
We will never stop talking it, saying
Not in my name

Will we fight terror with terror
Not in my name
Will we exploit the resources of the poor
Not in my name
Will the bodies of the innocent be broken for the desires of the few
Not in my name
Will we deny life to those for whom life is a struggle
Not in my name
Will the name of God be used as an excuse for our self-interest
Not in my name
Will we be blinkered to our flawed sense of justice
Not in my name
Will the bread of life be robbed from the mouths of the hungriest
Not in my name
Will we destroy our planet and burn all our fossil fuels
Not in my name
Will we find salvation in the defeat of our enemies
Not in my name
Will we reap the rewards from terrorism and invasion
Not in my name
Will the west get rich through the debts of the poor
Not in my name

Will we refuse reparations for 400 years of slavery
Will future generations ask “Why were you silent?”
God of protest at injustice and occupation
Can we claim to be followers if we do not listen and act?
Can we claim to be followers if we do not raise our voices?
Can we claim to be followers if we do not protest?
All are made in the image of God
So all should be treated equally

May we never be silent
And take not your spirit of protest from us
May God bless us with discomfort at easy answers
Half-truths, superficial relationships
So that we will live deep within our heart
May God bless us with anger at injustice
Oppression and exploitation of people
So that we will work for justice, equity and peace
May God bless us with tears to shed for those who suffer
from pain, rejection, starvation and war
So that we will reach out our hand to comfort them
And change their pain to joy
And may God bless us with the foolishness to think that
we can make a difference to the world
So that we will do the things which others tell us cannot be done

— — — — — — —

Our thanks to:
Maya Angelou, Martin Wroe, Jon Birch, Jonny Baker and Garth Hewitt.

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