Home Reflection

A ‘Home’ reflection with words from Cornel West and Mahmoud Darwish.

Home Reflection

Home Reflection
From our book, Seeds Of Hope

Grace squeezes the light
Into the darkest of places
That we may know our way home

May we never forget
Justice is how love looks in public
Peace is the apology of the strong to the weak
Faith is being sure of what we hope for

We stand this day
With those whose freedom is denied
We stand with those who have fled war, torture and despair
We come in penance for broken promises and political fixes
We walk the long road with all those who strive for peace,
justice and reconciliation
We weep with those who long to return to home
We pray in hope that one day all people in the Holy Land will
live in peace, as neighbours with full equal rights

We believe that one day
All that divides us will be turned to dust
No one will live in fear
We will recognise ourselves in strangers
My rights will be your rights
And people will live in peace

We do not wait for this
Patiently, quietly
Sitting on our hands

Our wait is action
In hope, in despair
In strength, in weakness
In joy, in heartbreak
In success, in failure
Together, apart

With all
Who are forgotten
Who are oppressed
Who are dispossessed
Who are in despair

Together, we will
Rip up the foundations of injustice
Tear down the walls of oppression
Dismantle all the words
And rebuild them
To create a single word: Home
— — — — — — —

Our thanks to:
Cornel West and Mahmoud Darwish.

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