Disha Ravi — We Do Hope podcast from Amos Trust: Season 1, Episode 7

“...the Coachella of the climate crisis.”

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With Disha Ravi: Leading India’s climate movement
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We Do Hope regulars, journalist Jessie McDonald and director/producer Tilly Reith, chat with climate activist Disha Ravi from India. Disha’s work involves organising activism around climate and environmental education and promoting understanding of the issues of intersectional climate justice. 

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Climate activist Disha Ravi from India.

Disha Does Hope: Climate activist Disha Ravi
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Disha Ravi works with Fridays For Future India, FFF MAPA (Most Affected People and Areas) and FFF International. FFF India is a movement started in India to demonstrate the power of the youth regarding the climate crisis.

She has been featured in Vogue for her environmental activism and is a freelance writer who has written think pieces on climate change for The Independent and Al Jazeera.

Disha’s Hope In A Hurry

Hopeful Read:
Enid Blyton 

Hopeful Watch:
Attack On Titan (Anime)

Hopeful Listen:
Hot Take with Mary Annaïse Heglar and Amy Westervelt (Podcast)
Poetry Unbound (Spotify Channel)

Hopeful Anthem:
Ghar — Bharat Chauhan

You can follow Disha on Instagram and Twitter. Please visit the Fridays For Future website for more details about Dishas work.

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