Words of Hope – Spring 2018

Zanzibar Half Marathon, Nicaragua, The Shroud Maker, Umthombo, Tom Merilion’s amazing images from India and Tanzania and legacy giving. Plus details of our On Her Terms appeal for young women and girls.

Words of Hope – Spring 2018

The Spring 2018 edition of Words of Hope, the Amos Trust newspaper is now available as a free download.

Kimbia Bila Shaka! Karin Joseph describes running the first Zanzibar Half Marathon with four new friends; we update you on Nicaragua — where the community of Teustepe is flourishing; we discuss The Shroud Maker with Palestinian writer, director, playwright and Amos trustee, Ahmed Masoud; Amos Director Chris Rose reports back from his recent visit to Umthombo — our Street Justice partner in Durban.

We showcase Tom Merilion’s amazing images from Karunalaya in India and Cheka Sana in Tanzania and explain why leaving Amos Trust a legacy in your will is so important. We also share details of our On Her Terms appeal for young women and girls.

No one is free until we are all free.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Two young children peering over a wall into a lorry park. Chennai, India — August 2017.

Sneak Peak: Two young children peering over a wall into a lorry park. Chennai, India — August 2017.

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