S6, E2: New Year. New Government. New Threat.

S6, E2: New Year. New Government. New Threat.

New Year. New Government. New Threat.
With Daoud Nasser and friends

Tuesday 24th January 2023
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Tent of Nations is a farm run by the Nasser family south of Bethlehem. The family are due to hear the outcome of a long-running court case to ratify the ownership of their land. The case has been in the courts for decades and has been delayed numerous times — despite them having all the necessary paperwork.

Amos has taken many people to visit the farm — to hear about their inspirational approach, the huge challenges they face, and their ‘refusal to be enemies’. We showed a recorded interview with Daoud Nasser and gave an update on the latest news.

We were then joined by Veronica Pasteur and Hamed from Amos partner HIRN (Hebron International Resources Network), who led a discussion about the current situation and shared the latest news from Masafer Yatta in the South Hebron Hills and other communities who are facing imminent threat of their homes and villages being eradicated.

We also discussed the likely impact of the new Israeli government, particularly for people such as the Nassers who live in what is called ‘Area C’, which makes up over 60% of the Palestinian West Bank but is under total Israeli control.

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