Amos Trust, and the people we seek to help, are dependent on the generosity, goodwill and trust of our supporters and the wider public.

We are therefore committed to protecting any personal data we obtain and hold about you, whether you are just visiting our website or are a donor, fundraiser, shopper, volunteer, campaigner, trip participant or event attendee.

Personal data is: “information that relates to the identity of a natural person and can identify them directly or indirectly. An identifier could be a name, number, location data, online identifier, physical, physiological, genetic, economic, cultural, or social.”

Our Privacy Policy sets out how we obtain, use and protect any personal data you provide to us and explains the following:

  • what personal data Amos Trust may collect about you
  • how and when Amos Trust will use the information we collect about you
  • on what basis Amos Trust will collect and use your personal data
  • whether Amos Trust will disclose your details to anyone else
  • how long Amos Trust will keep your data
  • where your data will be stored
  • your choices regarding the personal data you provide to us
  • the use of cookies on the Amos Trust website and how you can exercise your choices in relation to those cookies.

If you would like more information or would like to change the way we communicate with you, please contact us:

  • Email
    [email protected]

  • Telephone
    0203 725 3493 (Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm)

  • Post
    Supporter Care
    Amos Trust
    7 Bell Yard, London
    WC2A 2JR

Your personal data is protected by UK legislation, specifically the Data Protection Act 1998 and the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) 2003. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), EU regulation (2016/679), came into force on 25th May 2018 and provides enhanced rights and protection for the personal data of individuals within the European Union.

What personal data will Amos Trust collect about me?
Personal data is collected directly from you when you interact with Amos Trust, for example, by making a donation or subscribing to our e-news or newspaper. Data may be collected online, on paper, by telephone or in person.

The data we collect will typically include your name, postal address, email and phone number. We may also collect some financial information from you if you make a donation or buy goods or services from us. Amos Trust does not store any usable credit/debit card details. They are stored by our payment processors’ systems which themselves are subject to the strictest compliance regulations.

In some circumstances, if you are participating in a supporter trip or sport-based fundraising event, for example, we will collect data that is considered 'sensitive' under the GDPR, most likely information about your health. In such instances, we will clearly communicate the reasons why we need the data and how long we will keep it for. We will also always ask for your specific consent to collect it.

How and when will Amos Trust use the personal data we collect about you?
We will use the information we collect about you to process your requests and to keep in touch about Amos Trust’s work.

Examples include:

  • to process donations and Gift Aid transactions
  • to send information about our campaigns and fundraising appeals
  • to record any contact we have with you to help us provide you with the most appropriate communications
  • to check that your communication preferences are up to date
  • to invite you to participate in campaigns or attend events
  • to notify you of changes to our policies
  • to ensure that content from our website is presented in the most effective manner for you and your computer

On what basis will Amos Trust process your data?
Amos Trust will use one of the following legal basis, outlined in the GDPR when processing your personal data.

  • Consent
    We will always seek to obtain freely given, clear and specific consent before processing personal data. Our communications and website will have clear instructions on how to withdraw consent or change communication preferences.

  • Necessary for contract
    We will need to process personal data if we enter into a contract with you.

  • Legal obligation
    We need to keep certain information that contains personal data such as financial records to comply with our statutory obligations.

  • Vital interests
    We may have to use some personal data when it is your vital interests for us to do so such as in a medical emergency.

  • Legitimate interest
    We may use your personal data to contact you where we believe it is in our legitimate interest to do so and where we are confident that such processing is not likely to prejudice your legitimate interests or rights and freedoms.

    An example of this may be to let you know about an event in your area or an activity we think would particularly interest you. If we do contact you on this basis we will offer you the opportunity to request that we do not do so again in the future.

Will Amos Trust share your personal data with anyone else?
We will only use your information within Amos Trust for the purposes for which it was obtained. Amos Trust will not, under any circumstances, share or sell your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes and you will not receive offers from other organisations or companies as a result of giving your details to us.

We may need to share your data with third-party organisations who provide services to us such as printing, delivering post, sending emails and processing donations and payments. We will only provide these organisations with the specific information they need to provide the service we have asked them to deliver and we will ensure that your data is treated with respect and integrity at all times.

Certain third-party fundraising organisations collect personal data on our behalf as well as for their own use. These organisations include the Charities Aid Foundation, JustGiving, Virgin Money Giving, BT My Donate, Stewardship and Charities Trust for example. These organisations have their own data protection and privacy policies which you should be aware of before signing up for their services.

How long will Amos Trust keep my personal data?
We will hold your personal data on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity. We will only keep data deemed ‘sensitive’ under the GDPR for the minimum amount of time necessary for us to deliver the activity for which we needed the data.

Where will my data be stored?
The personal data Amos Trust holds is primarily stored using a cloud-based database programme called Donorfy. Donorfy uses Microsoft Azure data servers located within the EU for their data storage. We also use Dropbox and Google to store files that also contain some personal data.

The above companies have stringent security systems in place and provide detailed data usage agreements to their customers.

Work in progress containing personal data may occasionally be temporarily stored on the local hard-drives of Amos Trust staff and volunteers but our policy is to ensure that data is moved to the more secure storage solutions detailed above as soon as is practicable.

How can I update, see or delete my personal data?
The accuracy of your information is important to us. We want to ensure that we are able to communicate with you in ways that you are happy with and to provide you with information that is of interest to you.

If you wish to change how we communicate with you or update the information we hold, then please contact us:

  • Email
    [email protected]

  • Telephone
    0203 725 3493 (Monday to Friday 10am – 3pm)

  • Post
    Amos Trust
    7 Bell Yard, London
    WC2A 2JR

Our marketing emails always contain instructions detailing how to unsubscribe or change your communications preferences.

You have the right to request to see the personal data Amos Trust holds about you and also the ‘right to be forgotten’ (i.e. to ask us to delete all the personal data we hold about you). Please use the contact details above if you wish to pursue either of these options.

Cookies on the Amos Trust website
Cookies are small text files on your computer or device. They are made by your web browser when you visit a website. Every time you go back to that website, your browser will send the Cookie file back to the website’s server.

Cookies do lots of different jobs, like letting you navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences and generally improving the user experience when using the website.

The Amos Trust website uses Cookies. Please visit to read a detailed explanation of when and how they are used on our website.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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