The Cultural Boycott of Israel
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Amos Trust was founded by singer–songwriter Garth Hewitt, and works closely with a number of musicians, playwrights, artists, film makers and writers and those who work for, and in, cultural institutions.
Israel overtly uses culture as a form of propaganda to justify its apartheid policies and occupation of the Palestinian territories. Palestinian anti-apartheid activists PACBI (Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel), have called on international artists, writers, cultural institutions, and those who work for them, to join the cultural boycott of Israel. In the UK the response to this is led by Artists for Palestine UK.
As their pledge states, “ accept neither professional invitations to Israel, nor funding, from any institutions linked to its government until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights.”

Pink Floyd co-founder Roger Waters — long-time supporter of the cultural boycott of Israel
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Today, thousands of artists across the world now refuse to perform in Israel, including a host of global superstars such as Brian Eno, Roger Waters from Pink Floyd, Lauryn Hill, Chuck D, Talib Kweli, John Berger, Arundhati Roy, Iain Banks, Judith Butler, Naomi Klein, Ken Loach, Angela Davis, Mira Nair, Mike Leigh and many others.
Our friends at PACBI wrote a blog post for our website back in 2020 which explains the idea of cultural boycott in a little more detail.