Stage 15b: Amman, Jordan – Jerusalem

Starting in Amman, Jordan: Friday 20th/Saturday 21st October
Ending in Jerusalem: Friday 3rd November
Duration: 13 or 14 nights

£1,400 exc. flights | £400 deposit

Stage 15b: Amman, Jordan – Jerusalem

Difficulty rating: Easy

Cost: £1,400/£400 deposit

The main walk party will arrive from Istanbul on the afternoon of Saturday 21st. We will then spend Saturday being shown around Amman. Over 60% of the population of Jordan are from Palestinian descent and there will be an opportunity to find out more of what it means for them not to be able to travel freely to the West bank and Israel.

Sunday 22nd October
We will travel down to Petra and hike around the archaeological site and to the Monastery. That night we will camp with Bedouins in Little Petra.

Monday 23rd October
There is a short transfer, and then we will do one of the best hikes in Jordan, from Dana to Feynan and on to Wadi Ghweir camping area.

Tuesday 24th October
We will hike towards the Dead Sea where we will stay overnight.

Thursday 26th October
We will meet up with other walkers and Palestinian friends for our first walk on the West Bank. We will spend several days walking with Amos partners and friends. We will then spend some time walking with peace activists in Israel, before finishing with a closing event in Jerusalem on November 2nd.

There will be experienced local guides accompanying all of these walks which will vary in length, while some days will be over rough terrain (particularly In Jordan), they will not be that arduous, and there will be a support vehicle available. We will share details of all these walks with participants nearer to the time. This will be full board.

Accommodation on the West Bank and in Israel will mostly be in hotels but at least 1 night will be with families. Entry visas to Jordan (UK and EU citizens) and entry fees are included in the costs.

We suggest that people come in on the BA flight leaving Heathrow on Friday 20th October at 16:20 arriving in Amman at 23:35. We will organise airport pick up and transport to accommodation in Amman. If you need/want to arrive on a different flight, please do let us know.

We will then be organising transfer to Ben Guirion airport, Tel Aviv on Friday 3rd November in time for people to catch the 16:25 BA flight, arriving at Heathrow at 20:05. However, you may wish to stay longer and this is entirely up to you.

We recommend that you use the BA website to book these flights. You can choose to search for a return flight from London to Amman, but then choose ‘Multi/city stopovers’ (a small link at the top right of the dialogue box you are in). Using this system we have found significant savings over booking two single fares.

Please be aware that we cannot guarantee entry into the West Bank and in the case of difficulties we will have alternative plans in place.

Please make sure that you read the Just Walk Terms and Conditions before you make your booking. This is not one of those standard T&C's documents that we usually scroll through and tick, hoping for the best. This document contains essential information about Just Walk which you will need to read.

The maximum number of people we can take for this stage is thirty, therefore making your booking and paying your deposit does not guarantee participation in this stage. We will contact you to confirm that your booking has been successful and to ask you to provide further essential information.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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