Stage 10: Garlasco to Fidenza, Italy

Starting in Garlasco, Italy: Friday 11th August at 16:00
Ending in Fidenza, Italy: Friday 18th August at 10:00
Duration: 7 nights
Walking: 6 days
Total distance: 148km
Average per day: 25km
Daily ascent/descent: Less than 200m
Avg. max temp: 30°

 £450/£200 deposit

Stage 10: Garlasco to Fidenza, Italy

Difficulty rating: Easy

From Garlasco, we walk through the Padana to the hilltop town of Pavia, a beautiful university town, home to numerous artistic, cultural and historical treasures.

From there we follow the Po Valley through farmland and a series of small towns until we reach the friendly city of Piacenza, with its numerous historic and interesting sights including the beautiful Piazza Cavalli. From Piacenza, we go to the ancient town of Fiorenzuola d’Arda and onto Fidenza which grew rapidly under the Fascist period before being badly damaged by Allied bombing during the Second World War.

At Fidenza we complete our time on the Via Francigena, to head off on the Via Emilia to Ancona.

Nearest transport hub: 

  • Day 1: 
    115, 153 or 097 bus – Milan airport
  • Final day: 
    Fidenza train station

Distances per day:

  • Day 1: 25.5km
  • Day 2: 28km
  • Day 3: 17km
  • Day 4: 22km
  • Day 5: 34km
  • Day 6: 22.5km
  • Day 7: 0km

Please make sure that you read the Just Walk Terms and Conditions before you make your booking. This is not one of those standard T&C's documents that we usually scroll through and tick, hoping for the best. This document contains essential information about Just Walk which you will need to read.

The maximum number of people we can take for this stage is twenty. Therefore, making your booking and paying your deposit does not guarantee participation in this stage. We will contact you to confirm that your booking has been successful and to ask you to provide further essential information.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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