Women 4 Women Appeal

Discovering you have breast cancer is devastating but if you live in the Gaza Strip, it is three times more likely to be terminal. There are acute shortages of chemotherapy drugs. Hospitals are not allowed to bring radioisotopes into Gaza, so there is no radiotherapy available.

You need permission to leave Gaza to receive treatment and you have to find the money to pay for it. In an economy on its knees, edging out of another conflict, this is impossible for many people. The best hope is early detection.

Women 4 Women Appeal
Standing in solidarity with the women of Gaza

Download your free resource pack

October is breast cancer awareness month (or Rosy October as they call it in Gaza). We’re asking woman in the UK to stand in solidarity with women in Gaza by donating to our Women 4 Women Appeal or by hosting a fundraising event throughout October, November and December. £60 provides breast cancer screening and support for a woman in Gaza.

A women sits smiling outside Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City.

Women 4 Women: Discovering you have breast cancer is devastating but if you live in the Gaza Strip, it is three times more likely to be terminal. Hospitals are not allowed to bring radioisotopes into Gaza, so there is no radiotherapy available.
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Community responses help to address women’s fears and support them throughout the process. Donations to our Women 4 Women Appeal will go directly to support the breast cancer screening programme at Al Ahli Arab Hospital, our partner in Gaza City. £60 provides breast cancer screening for a woman in Gaza.

To make your donation, simply click on either of the buttons above. And if you would like to host a Women 4 Women event or read more about the situation in Gaza, then please download our free resource pack which has lots of event ideas and background information about the situation in Gaza.

Thank you for your support.

Screening is so simple and so effective. If we can work with women so that they can identify breast cancer early, we can treat it. Suhaila Tarazi — Director of Al Ahli Arab Hospital, Gaza City

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