War and poverty forced Innocent to live on the streets of Bujumbura, Burundi aged 4. He faced capture and punishment from the authorities and aggression from older boys; he would struggle to find food and shelter.

Amos Street Justice partners work with children, using local responses to engage with children, address their trauma, and give them the support they need to leave the streets.

Innocent never thought he would ever leave Burundi, let alone play football representing his country in the Street Child World Cup, or visit the UK to learn English and share his experiences with us at Amos Day 2015.

Innocent now works as part of New Generation’s Outreach team, engaging with other street-connected children currently surviving on the streets.

amos street justice

Our range of resource and fundraising packs, blog posts, downloads and products have been produced to help you find out more about Amos Street Justice.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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