Our committment

Amos Trust is committed to supporting sustainable local responses to the impacts of climate change. We have been supporting work in Nicaragua for many years — this is one of the countries globally that has already felt the greatest and harshest effects of climate breakdown.

There we have partnered with CEPAD to support them in their work to help communities to become more resilient in the face of climate change and empowering them to realise their rights.

We want to help build connections between responses to the climate crisis in the Global South and the Global North. We are committed to building spiritualties that will sustain activism and ensure that theologies of climate justice are rooted in the south. We believe that women and young people must take the lead and be at the centre of action for climate justice.

We recognise that visiting our global partners is an important part of our work; bringing people together is important as an act of solidarity, support, and friendship, as well as an invaluable means for our supporters, to develop their understanding and insight of the issues in a given context.

We recognise, however, that air travel is a significant contributor to climate change and that decisions to fly should not be taken lightly. We know that we have a responsibility for the carbon impact of such travel.

As such we will:

  • consider the necessity of any staff trips and always consider alternatives, e.g. video conferencing, using local people for monitoring visits
  • never take internal flights within the UK
  • where possible, bring partners to the UK to tell their stories to a wider audience
  • encourage participants to consider the carbon footprint of their travel and to consider adjustments they can make with the context of a carbon-intensive lifestyle, e.g. leisure travel, transport, diet, energy consumption, etc.
  • recognise that whilst there are significant problems with the idea of carbon offsetting, that we donate 5% of our flight costs to our climate justice work in Nicaragua. We will also look to offer trip participants further personal offsetting possibilities.

If you have any questions or would like some more information, please get in touch.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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