Run The Wall: 25-27 April 2025

Run, walk, or ride in solidarity with Palestinians and people from around the world. We want you to Run The Wall for Palestine wherever you are.

Run The Wall: 25-27 April 2025

It has been an amazing three days. It has confirmed how many people worldwide hold our brothers and sisters in Gaza and the West Bank in their hearts. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Jean, UK (Run The Wall Spring 2024 participant)

On Your Marks... Get Set...

On Friday 25th April, 10,000 Palestinian runners were due to be pounding the streets of Bethlehem for the 10th annual Palestine Marathon. However, the marathon has been postponed due to the current situation in the West Bank, so it’s more important than ever that we run in solidarity with our friends in Palestine over the same weekend.

  • Run The Wall
    As an act of solidarity
  • Run The Wall
    To demand freedom of movement for Palestinians

  • Run The Wall
    To demand your government implement international law and stop arming Israel


Things you’d love to see ... people from all over the world running for the same cause! One day I’m sure we’ll be able to run in the streets of Palestine! Karim Saad, UAE (2023)
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