Amos@6: Season 4 back catalogue

More hour-long conversations with thought-leaders and Amos partners and friends. Listen and watch again to Season 4 of Amos’ @6 webinar programme.

Amos@6: Season 4 back catalogue

All episodes from Amos@6 Season 4 are now available to watch again on Vimeo and listen to on SoundCloud.
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There Is No Planet B — launch
Thursday 15th April 2021
With Emily Reyes, Harold Blandon and Olivia Lekel from our partners CEPAD in Nicaragua.

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Nicaragua is one of the countries most affected by climate change. While the world is talking about the need for drastic action, the people of Nicaragua have been living with its escalating consequences for decades.

This webinar marked the launch of our new five-year programme with our partner CEPAD. We are investing in their work in seven rural communities in Nicaragua’s dry belt — where long periods of drought are now followed by intense rain and flooding, and where hurricanes are becoming more frequent and more severe.

A Nicaraguan couple who are part of CEPAD's training programme in rural Nicaragua.

Rosa and her husband who are part of CEPAD's training programme in rural Nicaragua. 
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Pandora’s Pandemic Box
Thursday 15th April 2021
With Paul Sunder Singh from Amos partner Karunalaya in Chennai (above) in conversation with Dr Elizabeth Joy from CTE and Amos’ On Her Terms Lead, Karin Joseph.

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Paul Sunder Singh from our partner Karunalaya updated us on the situation, particularly in Chennai and Tamil Nadu, where hospital admissions have already reached levels not seen since the first outbreak when Karunalaya had to provide essential food support to the local pavement-dwelling communities as their needs were not recognised by central and local government.

We were also joined by good friend of Amos, Dr Elizabeth Joy. Elizabeth is the former Executive Secretary for Mission Education at the Council for World Mission and board member of Churches Together in England (CTE). 

Her family are from Tamil Nadu, although she was brought up in Bangalore. She joined Paul to talk about some of the other difficulties currently facing India, including the political and social changes instigated by the Modi government and the ever-worsening impact of climate change.

Paul Sunder Singh from Karunalaya, Amos' partner in India.

Paul Sunder Singh from Karunalaya, Amos’ partner in India. 
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Climate Justice = Racial Justice
Thursday 29th April 2021
With academic, researcher and activist Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert in conversation with Richard Elliott from the Pickwell Foundation.

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Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert from Ithaca College and Warwick University discusses how our calls for climate justice will only make progress when we recognise its inter-connectedness with the need for social, racial and gender justice.

Alexandra has research interests in Sociology and Development Studies with a particular focus on the intersections of poverty, race and gender. She is an alumni of the Institute of Development Studies and is a leading voice and activist in Black Lives Matter UK.

In conversation with Richard Elliott from the Pickwell Foundation.

Climate and gender justice activist Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert from Ithaca College and Warwick University

Climate and gender justice activist Alexandra Wanjiku Kelbert. 
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COP 26 – Young Climate Activists
Thursday 6th May 2021
Young climate activists from the UK and Nicaragua discuss their hopes, fears and demands for COP 26

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When last year’s COP (UN Climate Change Conference) was delayed by 12 months, young people from around the world called their own ‘Mock COP’. Delegates from 140 countries put together and voted through their own treaty with 18 policies/demands for COP 26.

For our own COP 26 webinar, we were delighted to host a group of young climate activists from the UK and Nicaragua who were drawn together by our partner CEPAD.

They identified which aspects of the Mock COP 26 treaty were most important to them and what they were doing to pressure governments to adopt them. They also share what they would like us to do.

A young man from a rural Nicaraguan community.

Young people from around the world called their own ‘Mock COP’. 
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No Planet B — Poetry, Protest and Revolution
Thursday 13th May 2021
An evening of poetry, performance and protest hosted by spoken word artist Zena Kazeme

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For our 33rd and final webinar of Amos@6 Season 4, we took the opportunity to celebrate our planet and to amplify the call for radical action to address climate change and to call for climate justice. Spoken word artist Zena Kazeme performed some of her own work as well as hosting a range of other performers and activists.

Zena Kazeme is a Persian-Iraqi poet and author who draws on her experiences as a former refugee to create poetry that explores themes of exile, home, war and heritage.

She took part in Amos’ Once In A Lifetime climate justice cabaret in September 2019 and we were thrilled to include two of her works in our Seeds Of Hope book. She is a contributor to BBC Radio 2’s Pause For Thought and is Amos’ latest trustee.

Spoken word poet and Amos trustee, Zena Kazeme

Spoken word poet and Amos trustee, Zena Kazeme. 
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In Conversation with Sami Awad
Tuesday 18th May 2021

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Listen and watch again as our friend Sami Awad from Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem updates us on the current situation in Palestine.

As things in East Jerusalem and Gaza continue to escalate, Sami spoke with Amos director Chris Rose, Charlotte Marshall from Sabeel-Kairos and Jess Foster. He also shared news of his friends and family in Gaza.

Sami, whose family fled Jerusalem in 1948, spoke about his thoughts on the current situation and answered some of your questions.

Sami Awad from Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem.

Sami Awad from Holy Land Trust in Bethlehem. 
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Live Gaza Update
Tuesday 20th May 2021

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Listen and watch again to a live update from Gaza with artist Malak Mattar and We Are Not Numbers contributor Zainab Basheer. Malak is a highly original artist who paints expressionist faces, figures, and semi abstract designs and Zainab is a writer and journalist.

We asked these young voices from Gaza about their shared experiences during the war of May 2021.

Gazan artist Malak Mattar.

Gazan artist Malak Mattar. 
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What next for Palestine and Israel?
Wednesday 10th June 2021

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It seems that we are continually asking this question; what next for Palestine and Israel... one-state, two-state, Netanyahu, Bennett, boycott, the so-called peace process, Sheikh Jarrah/East Jerusalem, Gaza, Hamas.

Listen and watch again to our conversation with Jonathan Cook and Phoebe Rison as they discussed some of the issues with Amos Director Chris Rose.

Palestinian chef and activist, Phoebe Rison.

Palestinian chef and activist, Phoebe Rison.
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Rosy October with Al Ahli Arab Hospital’s Dr Suhaila Tarazi in conversation with Dr Swee Ang
Thursday 21st October 2021

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A rare opportunity to hear from Dr Suhaila Tarazi, Director of Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City. Along with members of her team, Dr Tarazi discussed Al Ahli’s breast cancer screening programme which is at the heart of Amos Trust’s Women 4 Women campaign.

She discussed the challenges of running a hospital under blockade and the lasting impact of Covid-19 on Gaza. Dr Tarazi and team were in conversation with Dr Swee Ang, consultant orthopaedic surgeon at St. Bartholomew’s and the Royal London hospitals and co-founder of Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP).

Dr Suhaila Tarazi, Director of Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City.

Dr Suhaila Tarazi, Director of Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza City.
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All Amos webinars from Season’s 1–4 are available to listen and watch again here.

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