Making some ‘good noise’

Amos Trust seeks to find creative ways to raise awareness, educate and challenge stereotypes by giving a voice to the voiceless and working alongside our partners in the West Bank and Gaza. Change the Record is our umbrella for the advocacy campaigns and activism that we are involved in as part of our Palestine Justice work.

We carry out acts of solidarity to encourage people to get involved in practical actions — to make some ‘good noise’. So join us as we Change The Record.

Home Rebuild Programme

Rebuilding Hope


Rebuilding Hope

Amos’ Home Rebuild Programme

Rebuilding demolished homes in the West Bank is a powerful challenge to injustice and a profound act of solidarity. Find out more.

Amos’ Home Rebuild Programme

Run The Wall

Build Bridges, Not Walls

Why did we run the Wall? Home demolitions, land confiscations, illegal settlements, the Separation Wall... this is how Israel is annexing Palestine. Actions speak louder than words. Join us!

Run The Wall

Cultural Boycott

Support the movement


Cultural Boycott

Support the movement

Israel overtly uses culture as a form of propaganda to justify its apartheid policies and occupation of the Palestinian territories. Palestinian anti-apartheid activists have called on international artists, writers, cultural institutions and those who work for them to join the cultural boycott of Israel.

Cultural Boycott

The Boycott Puma Campaign seeks to put pressure on the sportswear Giant to end their sponsorship of the Israel Football Association

Boycott Puma

Boycott Puma

Sanctions, not Settlements


A Global Movement

Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions

BDS is perhaps the most ambitious, empowering, and promising Palestinian-led global movement for justice and rights.

— Omar Barghouti, co-founder of the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions movement

Please visit to find out how you can be involved in the Stop Arming Israel campaign.

Stop Arming Israel

Stop Arming Israel

Join the campaign


Investing For Peace

We Are All Palestinians


Investing For Peace

Taking Action for Palestine

A call to action to the church across the world, asking them to denounce Occupation and take a lead in the campaign for a just peace. Get involved in pressing other denominations to Change The Record for Palestine.

Investing For Peace

Join us in the fight for Palestine Justice

Awareness raising and advocacy — for the long journey ahead.

amos trust works all around the world

We work alongside grass-roots partners in Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Burundi, India and Tanzania.

Street Justice

Reaching children on the streets, addressing their trauma, working with them and their families to reintegrate them into their homes, to realise their rights and recover their future.

Palestine Justice

Working with local and international peace activists, and partnering with grass-roots projects, to call for a just peace, reconciliation and full equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis.

Climate Justice

Addressing the impact of climate change and the causes of extreme poverty, building sustainable rural communities and empowering them to realise their rights.

Amos Travel

Bringing people together to meet our partners from around the world, visiting the communities they work in and seeing their projects in action — building solidarity and lasting friendships.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.



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