Nicaragua CEPAD
For the next five years we are partnering with CEPAD to empower seven communities in Teustepe, Nicaragua with the skills, knowledge and community resilience required to address their own problems.
We work with vibrant, grass-roots projects in Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Burundi, India, Tanzania and beyond — that are developing local solutions to global issues.
We believe that we should not separate international development from advocacy and campaign activities and that all of our work needs to be inspired by and, whenever possible, led by local grass-roots initiatives.
Being involved with local projects enables us to build an in-depth understanding of the issues they face and barriers they must overcome, so we can better support the unique ways they are choosing to respond to very difficult circumstances to provide hope and create change in their communities.
Meet our partners from around the world and find out more about the projects we’re currently supporting.
We work alongside grass-roots partners in Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Burundi, India and Tanzania.
Reaching children on the streets, addressing their trauma, working with them and their families to reintegrate them into their homes, to realise their rights and recover their future.
Working with local and international peace activists, and partnering with grass-roots projects, to call for a just peace, reconciliation and full equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis.
Addressing the impact of climate change and the causes of extreme poverty, building sustainable rural communities and empowering them to realise their rights.
Bringing people together to meet our partners from around the world, visiting the communities they work in and seeing their projects in action — building solidarity and lasting friendships.
Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
Registered Charity No.
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