Majdal Nateel
Untitled — 2020

“Majdal’s paintings are a profound visual translation of loss and trauma and its impact on the human soul.”

Gazan artist Majdal Nateel

“Majdal Nateel has produced a body of work on the theme of amputation, based on her research and interviews with the survivors of Gaza’s Great March of Return. She draws strong parallels between the loss of limbs and the loss of land and home. In her paintings, the amputations are not visible but rather felt.

Her paintings are a profound visual translation of loss and trauma and its impact on the human soul.” Nadia Kaabi-Linke

You can follow Majdal on Instagram at @majdalnateel

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Ahlan Gaza (Welcome Gaza) follows the simple stories of people living in Gaza, people trying to live with dignity as their options close in on them each year.


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