Dina Mattar
Attack on Gaza — 2010

“My paintings represent the world we were left with after the war, which destroyed every aspect of our lives and reduced all that is beautiful to ashes.”

Gazan artist Dina Mattar

“My paintings represent the world we were left with after the war, which destroyed every aspect of our lives and reduced all that is beautiful to ashes. My work manifests my insistence and perseverance to exist, and to love life through all that is beautiful.

My use of bright colours is an invitation for hope, optimism and joy. They are an indication that we still exist.” Dina Mattar

You can follow Dina on Instagram at @mattardena

Support the campaign

Ahlan Gaza (Welcome Gaza) follows the simple stories of people living in Gaza, people trying to live with dignity as their options close in on them each year.


Watch and share our short campaign film, ‘Open The Borders’.

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