Duaa Qishta
Portes Du Triomphe — 2022

Duaa is a young artist exploring profound and powerful themes in her innovative and imaginative artworks.

Gazan artist Duaa Qishta

Duaa is a young artist exploring profound and powerful themes in her innovative and imaginative artworks. In her powerful Al-Awda Ice Cream series, Duaa created work that relates to when a government hospital in Gaza was bombed in 2014.

There were so many casualties that the bodies of children killed in the incident had to be stored in a local ice cream factory freezer until family members could identify them.

You can follow Duaa on Instagram at @duaa.qishta.artlife

On Location — Artists

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Ahlan Gaza (Welcome Gaza) follows the simple stories of people living in Gaza, people trying to live with dignity as their options close in on them each year.


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