Amos Trust Appeal

Your gift will enable communities in Nicaragua to adapt their farming, land use and water conservation techniques to the changing climate. It will give them the skills to become more resilient and productive. Your support will empower people like Rosa to change their lives and their communities.

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Nicaragua is one of the countries most affected by climate change. While the world is talking about the need for drastic action, the people of Nicaragua have been living with its escalating consequences for decades.

For the next five years, Amos Trust will be investing in seven new rural communities. Our partner CEPAD will develop local leadership, empower women and support farmers to adapt to the changing climate. Families and communities will become more resilient, more productive and be able to claim rights they never knew existed.

Give & Grow

When you make a donation, you will be offered the chance to receive some real seeds, and a reflection, so you can grow plants in solidarity with these communities.

Our Approach

Our long-term partner CEPAD has a tried and tested five-year model that responds to this in a holistic and sustainable way. Local experts teach farmers how to adapt their land to cope with the changing climates — how to conserve water, create organic fertilisers and choose the most appropriate crops.

Women learn how to cultivate the land around their houses, improve soil quality and conserve water. They are encouraged to plant a wide range of fruit and vegetables, broadening their family diet. As their yields increase, they learn how to develop a micro-business to sell the surplus.

At the same time, community leaders are taught to listen to their community, identify needs and encourage participation. They learn about their rights and how to lobby effectively to see real change such as roads, toilets, bridges and connecting bus services.

At the heart of the model is sustainability. Community leaders, farmers and women are selected to be ‘pioneers’. As their skills and confidence increase, they pass on their learning (and seeds) to others so that even after the five-year programme ends, more and more people can benefit.

Rosa’s Story

Rosa stands in her garden, proudly holding a large plastic jar filled with bright yellow corn. “This is next year’s seed,” she says. Rosa is one of the pioneers from our last five-year programme. She learnt how to cultivate the small plot of land around her home. Her family’s diet now includes fruit and vegetables (not just beans and rice), and she has set up her own seasonal micro-business.

Rosa now shares what she has learnt, and her spare seeds, with the rest of her community and campaigns for their rights. As a result of her determination, a new road has been built; there are toilets, water purifiers, vibrant gardens and even a bus service. Rosa can’t believe what she’s managed to achieve: “In five years we have made all this happen. Imagine where we will be five years from now!”

How much does it cost?

£25 will provide a woman with seeds, cuttings and training in cultivation so her family can have food security and a healthier diet.

— £80 will provide seed for one farmer to diversify and plant crops better able to withstand the impact of climate change.

— £150 will pay for the materials for one micro dam; water conservation has become essential as long droughts are followed by intense rain and flooding.

Thank you for supporting our new campaign 

Your gift will enable communities in Nicaragua to adapt their farming, land use and water conservation techniques to the changing climate. It will give them the skills to become more resilient and productive. Your support will empower women like Rosa to change their lives and their communities for good.

Please watch and share our new campaign film.

Climate Justice resources

Take a look through our range of resources, including blog posts, downloads and products, to find out more about our Climate Justice work.

amos trust works all around the world

We work alongside grass-roots partners in Palestine, South Africa, Nicaragua, Burundi, India and Tanzania.

Street Justice

Reaching children on the streets, addressing their trauma, working with them and their families to reintegrate them into their homes, to realise their rights and recover their future.

Palestine Justice

Working with local and international peace activists, and partnering with grass-roots projects, to call for a just peace, reconciliation and full equal rights for all Palestinians and Israelis.

Climate Justice

Addressing the impact of climate change and the causes of extreme poverty, building sustainable rural communities and empowering them to realise their rights.

Amos Travel

Bringing people together to meet our partners from around the world, visiting the communities they work in and seeing their projects in action — building solidarity and lasting friendships.


Amos Trust
7 Bell Yard, London
United Kingdom

+44 (0) 203 725 3493
[email protected]
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