Webinar: The Voices of Gaza’s Youth — Chronicling A Genocide with We Are Not Numbers

Tuesday 18th February, 6pm (UK)
We are delighted to be joined by Walaa Sabbah and the young writers from Amos’ partner, We Are Not Numbers.

Webinar: The Voices of Gaza’s Youth — Chronicling A Genocide with We Are Not Numbers

Webinar: The Voices of Gaza’s Youth
Chronicling A Genocide with We Are Not Numbers

Tuesday 18th February, 6pm (UK)
Register now

We’re honoured to welcome Walaa Sabbah (pictured above) and the young writers from Amos’ partner, We Are Not Numbers, to this special webinar.

Through their powerful storytelling, these writers have not only shared their own experiences but also created a vital record of the unfolding tragedy in Gaza. In this webinar, they will read from their work and reflect on the stories that need to be told.

On 24th April, Penguin Random House will publish We Are Not Numbers: The Voices of Gaza’s Youth — the first collection of their writing, bringing together a decade of voices and perspectives from Gaza’s young writers.

“...a jailbreak and a miracle”. Naomi Klein describing We Are Not Numbers: The Voices of Gaza’s Youth which is published this April.

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